
Posts Tagged ‘bookstores’

University Bookstore

Loose fiber optics cables handing from a ceiling.

Loose fiber optics cables handing from a ceiling.

The University of Washington bookstore has a sweet program, I don’t know if it is unique but even if it is not it is nonetheless pretty nice. 10% of all purchases made at the bookstore are refunded to you at the end of the year. Even if you did not make the purchase, as long as the receipt is registered under your student number you get 10% off.

In a way this becomes a tax refund that puts purchasing books and supplies at the bookstore on par with buying it online.

While in the bookstore last weekend I took a gander at the textbook section. I looked at the books for Earth and Space Science courses and compared them with books for the Physics course. Glad I am switching over to ESS. I looked through a grad level mathematical physics book and while I knew that I could figure out what was going on I realized that I might not have too.

The best thing about the bookstore is that they had a full line up of Terry Pratchett books in both their main and satellite bookstore. Sure I already own most of them (3 have the zany UK covers) but it is nice to see them all there fresh and new.

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